
Living, Laughing, Hurting, Growing.

I once heard it said that resisting peer pressure was to resist the very thing that makes us human. We are intensely relational creatures - designed in such a way that we influence (and ARE influenced by) one another, intentionally or unintentionally. It got me thinking, how different would life be if we all lived out of that awareness?

Sounds omnious, and maybe even condusive to paranoia, but I really think it could be something beautiful. We might realize that focusing on one another's needs would help us to develop healthier relationships of every kind. We might see that some people aren't able to relate in ways that aren't damaging. We might even learn that life isn't just about ourselves all the time, even with all the struggles that each of us go through.

I was reminded of these things today. I hope that I'll be reminded more often.
After all, relationships and interactions are the most lasting things that we carry with us, no matter how short-lived or seemingly insignificant. Maybe I can't change all the crummy stuff I notice all the time, but I know I can make a conscious effort to be a positive influence in some way to someone.

... and knowing is half the battle.


Blogger Deblin said...

GI JOE!!!!

Sat Apr 01, 07:53:00 AM  

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