
Better Together

Congratulations to Andrea Johnson and John Williams!

This was a biggie - I've known Andrea since she was 12, and we were put up in the same house during our crazy trip to Belarus. She and I have seen a lot and done a lot since then, and now she's all grown up and married to a wonderful Englishman. I was also asked to sing during the signing of the registry. I was only too happy to oblige.

The ceremony was beautiful. It was done on a veranda at La Salle Park in Burlington. The bridal party walked down the aisle to Jack Johnson, and Andrea came in to the ukelele version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

After photos and a cocktail hour, we went inside for the dinner reception. The food, the speeches, and the dancing was great. It was an amazing evening.

When the happy couple was ready to call it a night, they walked to the getaway car through a tunnel of guests holding sparklers.

Much love, John and Andie!


Blogger Dan said...

Have you thought of changing the name of this blog to "Holy crap, everyone's gettin' married!"

Sun Jun 18, 11:57:00 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

PS: Congradulations to Jon & Andrea and Matt & Charity

Sun Jun 18, 11:58:00 PM  
Blogger Deblin said...

Dan, did you even go to either of those weddings?

Mon Jun 19, 05:50:00 PM  

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