
"I see Joey, and Kelly, and Amanda..."

I received a cute gift this morning. JS brought me back a small piece of Hawaii! This particular piece happens to be a keychain that looks like a license plate. It says my name on it, not only in English, but in Hawaiian!

Do you remember all those name-bearing trinkets that were around when you were a kid? Were you the kid who could never find your name printed on anything, no matter how hard you looked? To this day, I remember my 5 year-old self longingly searching through every rack of toothbrushes, pencils, combs and keychains in every department store and souvenir shop just to find something, ANYTHING that said "Sabrina". Why did girls named Sarah and Lisa always get to have everything I wanted? It just wasn't fair.

To add insult to injury, my name was never called on Romper Room and Friends when she looked in the magic mirror at the end of every episode. I was one of the tallest kids in my kindergarten class, for crying out loud... and she couldn't even see me! Some magic mirror, lady.

But today, I feel as though the world has righted itself in some (absolutely ridiculous and inconsequential) way. I finally have my keychain - a frickin' bilingual one! Once upon a time, girls named Sabrina couldn't find personalized souvenirs. Now, we can get 2 names for the price of one. Incredible!

Take that, Romper Room. I don't need you anymore.


Blogger Deblin said...

Oh my gosh... I never even knew. I need to find out the Irish equivallent to yer name and send you a wall plate in celtic art or something... Wow. Romper Room. Unbelievable.

I miss you.

Wed May 03, 06:01:00 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

You know what, they never said my name either, and "Daniel" was one of the top five or ten most common names when I was younger. Or maybe they said it on a show I missed. Either way, I got the feeling that I had been cheated.

Thu May 04, 01:04:00 AM  
Blogger Sabs said...

Deb - I miss you all the time. People talk about their best friends, and I keep thinking about how far away you are! But I think a wall plate in Celtic art would fill at least part of the void for now.

Dan - That SUCKS! I definitely would have assumed that Daniel was called at least once. And you probably weren't a short kid either... we were totally cheated.

Thu May 04, 11:58:00 PM  

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