
I know it's been a while. For anyone who's still reading this, I apologize for the unintentional silent treatment! I haven't felt much like writing recently... there IS a life outside of the internet, believe it or not. I highly recommend checking it out.

March Break is over, which meant that I was back at work today. It amazes me every single time just how difficult it is to get back into the swing of things. I've only been away for a week, and I just did NOT want to be anything close to awake and alert this morning. One huge blueberry muffin and large Starbucks coffee later, I was still conscious but nothing close to chipper. Then I went away to teach a class of grade 1s about energy. Let me tell you, there's nothing quite like a bunch of kids sitting on a carpet, listening interestedly while picking their noses. It's funny every single time.

I'm anxious for spring. Lots to look forward to - John Mayer, a wedding, a recital and even a formal! Stay tuned...


Blogger Pemma said...

There's some merit to waht you say regarding real life - but by the same (flip sided) token, life online is sometimes nice to return to. It's dependable, friends always live here, and it doesn't hurt my head in the same way that real life's curveballs do. But I am in 100% agreement that much fun and exploration should be had offline.
Thanks for doing my ENE - I always love the grade 1's sitting in a circle on the carpet - they get really excited when I get them to do the energy dance, and when I ask them if they ate breakfast - and when I tell them they are going to use "scientific instruments" and then I whisper "TOYS!"
Structures is still my favorite primary program, though.
Wow, I should get my own blog, this comment is turning into quite the piece. See you in many moons, it would seem.
love Pem
ps: You should add to your spring list "going out on random adventures with Pemma and Graeme and Joel, and potentially involving Kevan in a revisit to the spaghetti factory and CN tower"
pps: and also, we must go to the Mennonite Relief Sale in May - it's bigger AND better than the maple syrup festival, and will likely not conflict with any dates. AND involves amazing handmade laotian spring rolls and all proceeds go to MCC and 10, 000 Villages organizations.

Tue Mar 20, 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I was checking out your blog and was going to demand you post, but you beat me to it.

Tue Mar 20, 12:27:00 PM  

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