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I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, so I thought it was about time to write something. Plus, the collage in the last entry is taking up way too much room, and I hate the way it's overlapping with the links on the right side of the screen. Ugly!

So, it's been an insane week at work already, and it's only Wednesday. Things feel chaotic in my head, even though they probably aren't really that bad. Maybe it's exhaustion, or the fact that it's dark outside when I have to be out of bed, or the thought of having to face several groups of people all day every day. In any case, the weeks seem to go by really slowly these days. And not necessarily in a good way, either.

Translation: I need a vacation.

Luckily, I have one to look forward to! In just 4 days, I will be on a plane headed towards Denver, Colorado for the reunion to end all reunions. It's been years since the 4 of us long-time friends have been in the same country at the same time, let alone in the same room - Deb's been in Ireland, Michelle's been down in Denver, and Meghan and I have been holding down the fort here in the good ol' GTA. I'm incredibly excited to be getting away for a little while. I'm ready for mountains, hot springs, horses, outlet malls, and serious quality time with my girls. It'll be better than any Babysitter's Club reunion, mark my words.

The next obstacle to face: AAMC applications that are due at the end of November.
The exciting event to look forward to during that guaranteed to be stressful time: the Leafs Skills Competition on Dec. 3rd. I got tickets today... hooray for presales!


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