

Do you ever look back, and wonder, "How on earth did I do that?"
Looking back on things today, I can't believe that I managed to:
  • commute across the city multiple times a week via TTC. How did I have that much time?
  • do full-time school, work 2 part-time jobs, and volunteer at youth group multiple times a week... even with a car!
  • live in Belarus for 3 weeks as a 16 year old. The government wanted to deport us, flushing toilets were few and far between, the skinheads wanted to kill me, and the mosquitos were the size of helicopters
  • work at camp (not city camp!!) for entire summers at a time, where I was constantly tired and getting "paid" with an honorarium
  • get through life without a cell phone. Sounds sad, but really.
  • write major papers/assignments on the family computer out in the living room, in front of the TV all through high school and university

It's so funny how things change.


Blogger Pemma said...

You forgot the following bullet
*Go through life without Pemma

I said it first Graeme!


Sat May 12, 11:54:00 PM  

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